We Regret to Inform You that Tropics of Meta Is Closing Its Doors

When we started ToM in early 2010, we had no idea what we were getting in to; we only wanted a place to share our work and bounce ideas around.  We never imagined that it would become the academic publishing powerhouse that it was for much of its run.  But Alex, Romeo, Will and the rest of the team have come to the painful decision to wind down the blog.

(Not really.)

But this is the future of the Internet without Net Neutrality.  The principles of openness and equal access that allowed the World Wide Web to become a rambunctious, protean, contentious, sometimes insane but always creative place are under serious threat from the current administration, the GOP, and their allies in the telecom industry.

Today websites across the world–from Amazon and ACLU to Moms Rising to Metalsucks–are posting alerts in protest of proposed rule changes at the Federal Communications Commission.  Find out more about the issues at Battle for the Net and Fight for the Future.  Call your Congresspeople and let them know you care about maintaining a free, open, and equal Internet.

The very survival of blogs about anti-vaxxers in the 19th century, desi ballers in the burbs, metaphysical rocket scientists in SoCal, wall tiles in Karachi and even the Orange Menace himself hangs in the balance.